

User & System Preferences

User & System Preferences
  • You can change the language settings, the time unit you would like to use, the background image, how many last bookings you would like to see in your time section and the default job setting.
  • You can change your password.
  • Administrators can change certain system related information such as the overall default language settings for cronsync, the general time unit, the default country for all cronsync forms and the default currency. You can also change the default text for all invoices - the salutation and the complimentary close.

Add a new job

Add a new job
  • If you would like to add a new job type, click the button and fill in the form.
  • In "Hourly rate (internal)" enter your internal hourly rate for the job type
    • The default hourly rate for a certain job can be modified for each "Team Member"
  • In "Hourly rate (external)" enter your external hourly rate for the job type.
    • The default hourly rate can be modified for each client.
  • If you do not work with internal and external hourly rates, please just use the same rate for both.

Add task template

Add task template
  • In task template you can configure some tasks your company delivers on a regular basis. This helps you to track the time more precisely by defining tasks. Potential standard tasks could be "phone conference", "reporting", "template composing", "consulting".

Add Tax rate

Add Tax rate
  • Here you can configure the VAT rate you would like to use.